Techniques and Tools Used By CBT Therapy
CBT therapy enables you to achieve your goals in life by helping you to overcome the believes, attitude, thoughts and behavior that are holding you back. It is talk therapy that requires the client to be committed and attending the therapy sessions. There are several cognitive distortions that you should become with the help of a CBT therapist, and that is why the therapist will use behavioral therapy techniques.
Some factors cause cognitive distortions. Jumping into conclusions and overgeneralization is one of the cognitive distortions that affect people whereby they do not have evidence for believing the causes of the things that happen to them. Find out the benefits of cbt worksheets for anxiety that CBT therapists use. You can get help from a psychologist montreal. Your CBT therapy will involve the use of these tools and techniques.
Journaling is a tested and proven approach that has helped CBT therapy patients. The psychologists will help you in changing the patterns of your emotional tendencies. Get more info on the many more factors that are considered in the journaling process. You’ll have to change, adapt and cope with new thoughts and emotions that the psychologist helps you to learn.
You have to read more now on the steps involved in the unraveling cognitive distortion. You should be honest with yourself when listing down these destructive thoughts because you know yourself better than how the psychologist knows you.
You will then have to undergo the cognitive restructuring. You need to find out the reason why you came to believe in the cognitive distortions that you have listed in the unraveling cognitive distortion process. The cognitive restructuring session aims at changing your thinking that makes you believe the falsehood of the cognitive distortions that you have.
You can read more now on why the OCD patients are advised to go through the exposure and response revision technique of CBT therapy. Some situations stimulate you to behave in a certain way and you are exposed to these situations hoping that you will behave differently.
Progressive muscle relaxation is also used in CBT therapy. You can read more now on how to perform progressive muscle relaxation.
The relaxed breathing exercises essential during the CBT therapy. The relaxed breathing exercises follow the progressive muscle relaxation to enable both your body and your mind to be comfortable.